Sunday, December 23, 2007

September 20, 2007

Meg Rampton September 14, 2007
MNE 347
As with all people of every religion duty to God falls in the highest importance. It is something that must be achieved in order to continue with a solid relationship with God. In the Muslim Religion there exist five different pillars or duties that form the back bone of the religion. These duties are Shahadah, Salah, Sakah, Sawm, and Hajj.
Ramadan is the observance of the Sawm or fasting during the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar. It is a celebration of when the Qur’an was revealed. The actual word Ramadan means “intense heat, scorched ground, and shortness of rations” which is actually the name of them month. In this holiday month, Sawm is observed daily when the members do not eat, drink, smoke, and obtain from sexual interaction. This only happens during the day light hours. Along with the fasting it is also essential to refrain from “anger, envy, greed, lust, sarcastic reports, backbiting, and gossiping;” this demonstrating more efforts that are put into the teaching of Islam.
The purpose of the fast is to grow closer to Allah, control one’s desires, and to focus more devoutly to God. There are some excepts to people that do not have the condition to fast which are woman who are pregnant or breast feeding, elderly, sick and young children who have not yet entered into puberty. Also women that are menstruating must not observe the fast; however, they are required to make up these days before the next month of Ramadan.
Fasting can have many benefits. These include a increased sense of fraternity and a need to take care of their hungry brothers and sisters. It is a time of giving charity and sharing meals to break the fast together. In the Qur’an it states, “O those who believe, the fasts have been enjoined upon you as were enjoined upon those before so that you be God-fearing [Surah Baqarah, 183].”
In my own fasting for religious purposes I have come to understand self discipline and the difficulties that come with the attempt to comply with the word of the Lord. I know that fasting can bring us to closer dependence on God to get through our every day tasks that we would have normally been fine to do on our own.
I have a great respect for the Muslim people and their efforts to complete their duty to God to show their love and respect for him. Although the said duties may differ
around the world, the completion of them unites the world one the same front of bringing together all who have a deep respect and love for God and the desire to do what is right to them.
As I have walked the streets of Jerusalem during this period I have noticed a difference in the people. There appears to be a higher reverence to their God and to each other. I am highly impressed by their dedication to God and to do what His teachers here on the earth have asked.

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